Thursday, June 27, 2013

Putting all the pieces together

After spending so much time online, the stacks, and in between the pages it can be hard to see the bigger picture.  So often we are looking at the leaves that we forget to see the forest.  Small pieces come together to make something beautiful at the end.

This week at ODU was one of those experiences in seeing the forest.  This week we looked at a lot of the newer things going into our libraries.  On Monday, I worked with Mary Duvall on a QR code presentation with a program called Videolicious.  I learned quickly that if you wanted your WHOLE picture to be in the presentation, then you needed to make sure that it is taken in landscape.  Videolicious and portrait style are not friends.  It is a good program to make quick videos, especially if you are working on a quick presentation, but you do get what you pay for.  This program would be a good one to use with students in giving them another format to present their findings in a fun and different way.  What kid doesn't love to make videos?

Tuesday we heard from a representative from Mackin and some librarians about electronic books and eReaders.  It was definitely something eye-opening for me because we continue to talk about the digital divide in schools.  However, this is something that can be hard to implement or for some people impractical.  It really helped me to think more about how I would make changes in my own library and work with teachers, administrators, and the county to help close the gap between students.  That day I also looked at putting together a portfolio.  I think that this is going to be a great product that I will be able to take to a principal when looking for jobs next year.

The final day on campus we met with Dr. Jamie Colwell and talked about literacy.  It was funny to talk as both librarian and teacher and parent.  In the school, we wear many hats.  It was just another great reminder to me about what a benefit it is that many of us are coming into the library field from the classroom.  We also gave book talks which was definitely fun and a different experience with the avatars.  I am used to giving book talks with my own students and having them do the same with me.  However, working with electronic kids was something different.  It just reminded me once again about the importance of body language and knowing your audience ahead of time.  What can I do to get them in the library or in a good book.

Overall, it was a lot of fun and I am excited to add more to my education in the library sciences.

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