Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Audio tools

Having worked in the classroom for a while, I came to know Audacity REALLY well.  I used to publish a monthly podcast with my students from my language arts class integrating either science or social studies.  We would build the plot and script together, making sure that our script had enough speaking parts for each student (between 8 - 16 each time).  I taught my students how to do sound editing in the fourth grade and they were able to use those skills in the fifth grade to work on their GATP.  Those podcasts were some of the most fun times that we had our classroom since we did them during AAP pull out and I wasn't allowed to teach anything new for that hour every week.

Voki was something that was very new to me.  It really intrigued me because it seemed similar to other voice things that I have seen like Blabberize and Crazy Talk.  We used Crazy Talk this year in the fifth grade for doing projects and the kids thought that it was the coolest thing.


I liked using Voki because it could be another way for non-verbal students to give themselves a voice.  This is also a fun tool where students could create a character to share out knowledge with the class.  You can really create just about anything on this site and have them say.....ANYTHING!

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